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Use of white space tip

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Posted Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:20 am

Friday tip on Saturday. tip - Use of white space tip 1699899058

Use of white space
blog.teamtreehouse.com wrote:"Whitespace, many times referred to as negative space, is the portion of a page left unmarked, the portion that is left blank, or (as Mark would quote) the empty space in a page. In web design terms, it’s the space between graphics, columns, images, text, margins and other elements. It is the space left untouched in order to smooth things out and transform a page into something elegant. It is also the blank space that reminds us that simpler designs are beautiful and that we don’t need to create a layout filled with text and graphical elements to deliver a clear and direct message."

It's something I'm not good at and should improve. Smile
Sample: the second image looks much more elegant.
tip - Use of white space tip Whitespace02

Some neat samples:
tip - Use of white space tip Whitespace04
tip - Use of white space tip Whitespace07
tip - Use of white space tip Whitespace10

Source: http://blog.teamtreehouse.com/white-space-in-web-design-what-it-is-and-why-you-should-use-it

Another article you might enjoy: http://alistapart.com/article/whitespace

#fridaytip #tip #whitespace #designertrick #youshouldknow


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